
Letters to the Editor — May 19, 2021

The Issue: NYC Pride’s decision to ban law-enforcement personnel from participating in its events.

It appears that the Heritage of Pride Committee of today bears a frightening resemblance to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee of yesterday (“Blues booted off rainbow,” May 16).

Members of a community that was barred from marching in that Irish event for so many years just announced it, too, was now barring people from marching in its own parade.

The Heritage of Pride Committee decided to prevent New York City police officers, corrections officers and all other law-enforcement agencies from celebrating their pride in the LGBTQ community by barring them from marching in the Pride parade for the next five years.

Are they concerned that rows of uniformed officers marching hand-in-hand with same-sex loved ones proves how mainstream our alternative community truly is?

Kevin O’Donnell


How can a group that has talked about being discriminated against exclude an organization that has been a very strong supporter of the gay-pride movement?

Having the Gay Officers Action League Society march again in the parade, like it has done every year, would be a good thing, as it would show others to not be discriminatory.

Ignorance only allows for hatred and discrimination toward others. Pride should reevaluate its decision.

Sharon Cesario


I urge the organizers of the Pride events to reconsider their ban on the participation of NYPD’s LGBT members in Pride celebrations and marches.

The LGBT community has won boatloads of societal respect by tirelessly insisting on the importance and righteousness of inclusivity.

How can we take the message and mission of inclusivity seriously if gay and lesbian police officers are excluded from Pride activities?

We desperately need people to come together at this moment, not more tedious division. Be bigger than this, Pride, and practice the inclusivity you preach.

New York City will love you for it. Trust me!

Michelle Graham


As a gay senior, I am thoroughly disgusted by the Pride parade banning the Gay Officers Action League.

Once again, history shows that the oppressed become the oppressors.

Dennis Rhodes

Naples, Fla.

How disappointing and stupid that organizations supposedly committed to the welfare of gays and lesbians are banning the NYPD from their parades and other occasions during Pride celebrations.

It does seem that these folks go from one manic obsession to another.

My problem is that the LGBTQ community makes these grand pronouncements as if everyone agrees with them.

It is a terrible thing to disparage first responders who have a hard job to do. This is another example of identity politics on steroids.

David Hennelly


Herein lies the true message of leftist fools, even those within the gay community: There is zero inclusiveness for those who wear the shield of law enforcement.

I’m pretty sure 911 is the first call they’ll make when confronted with trouble.

Some gays seemingly forget that they were denied marching privileges for St Patrick’s Day. The full cycle of hate continues, and it’s so pathetically sad.

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

Has the NYPD actually agreed to keep its distance during the Pride parade?

Another reason to avoid travel to New York City.

J. Delaney

Rockville Centre, LI

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