A guide for Super Bowl betting and the wild world of prop bets, from TD totals to the Gatorade shower

You want to bet on the Super Bowl. Of course you want to bet on the Super Bowl.

The amount of betting on this year’s Super Bowl is estimated to reach $16 billion this year with a record 50.4 million Americans planning to wager, per the Associated Press. That’s mostly a result of legalized gambling in many states, though the estimate includes people who will bet with an illegal bookie or do so casually with a friend.

Because sports betting is legal in New York and New Jersey, gambling is now easy for local fans. You’ve seen all the ads, and surely, you will see more. Maybe you’re a little bit tired of them (OK, a lot). And, of course, you know how the game is going to go.

It’s just a matter of understanding the hundreds of potential bets in front of you.