Weird But True

‘Most modified man in the world’ splits his hand in ‘first-ever’ procedure

He earned a new record, lickety-split.

Marcelo “B-boy” De Souza Ribeiro, 40, has become the first patient to have surgery to split his hands as he continues to hold onto his title of “most modified man,” reports Jam Press.

Ribeiro, who has spent nearly $35,000 on tattoos and body modifications, said that the idea of splitting his hand came when he researched new ways to modify his body.

“I was already researching about body modifications in the world and from what I saw no one has yet made a similar modification,” said Ribeiro. “I’m making a new modification that doesn’t exist in the world yet.”

Back in December, Ribeiro — who estimates that 98% of his body is covered in tattoos — approached his friend who agreed to do the surgery for free.

Ribeiro estimates that 98% of his body is covered in tattoos. Jam Press/@marcelobboy
Ribeiro has spent nearly $35,000 on tattoos and body modifications. Jam Press/@marcelobboy
The Brazilian father underwent three sessions to perfect the hand-split transformation. Jam Press/@marcelobboy

”First, we started doing surgeries on the hand, removing excess oil and fat from the sides, to make it slimmer,” recalled Ribeiro. “Then I began to see the possibility of making an opening in it through the middle where you can have opening and closing movements and a firmer folding of the hand!”

The Brazilian father underwent three sessions to perfect the transformation.

“People have already seen my hand and think it is interesting but they say they don’t have the courage to do it,” claimed Ribeiro. “I’m happy with what I did I don’t feel any change regarding hand mobility, it’s completely normal!”

Several of Ribeiro’s modifications include fanged metal teeth, skin implants, and a split tongue.

Ribeiro isn’t the only one in the world who is obsessed with modifying his body.

A California man who also spent $30,000 on body mods and piercings has said that people have called him “the devil.”

“People have already seen my hand and think it is interesting but they say they don’t have the courage to do it,” claimed Ribeiro. Jam Press/@marcelobboy
Several of Ribeiro’s modifications include fanged metal teeth, skin implants, and a split tongue. Jam Press/@marcelobboy

“I have 28 piercings, most of them stretched, and my favorites are my 23mm septum, split tongue, and my implants in my collar bones and penis,” said 28-year-old Cameron Bright.

Tiamat Legion Medusa, a banker from Texas, made headlines after they became a “genderless dragon.”

“I was in my late 40s, prior to me living my life as the freak that I am,” they explained. “I already had 79 piercings and most of them were hidden.”