
Biden’s lies keep piling up, AI outrage shows Don’s weakness and other commentary

Conservative: Biden’s Lies Keep Piling Up

President Biden’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal boasting of his economic progress is “chock-full of Pinocchios,” cracks Larry Kudlow at Fox Business. Biden claims our economy has somehow created 13 million jobs, but “the vast bulk” were “COVID replacement, not new jobs.”

He says inflation has eased, but we’re actually “stuck at around 5%”; under Biden, the Consumer Price Index is up 15.3% — with groceries up 19.6%, energy 32.9%.

Real wages have plunged 2.7% (under President Donald Trump, they rose 7.3%). Biden also repeats his “discredited” claim that he cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion, a boast that “earned him the Bottomless Pinocchio Award” from the liberal Washington Post.

Fact is, “the economy has stalled, it’s headed lower.” And “the Biden untruths continue to pile up.”

Culture critic: Remote Work Can’t Last

Remote work “won’t last,” predicts Allison Schrager at City Journal. “Even if we have the technology to work from home, we don’t have the culture for it.”

Indeed, many functions “can’t be done remotely.” “Work isn’t just daily deliverables like logging into a meeting or speaking with a client.” “Innovation and problem-solving often rely on collaboration. Sometimes this happens spontaneously — for example, over coffee while chatting with a colleague about the pointless meeting you just sat through.”

And despite tech advances, “how we connect, form relationships, and collaborate has not changed that much; these interactions come from sustained and regular contact, often in informal settings.” “If you seek success in your company or institution, you’ll be in the office most days of the week.”

From the right: AI Outrage Shows Don’s Weakness

“MAGA’s outrage” over Team DeSantis’ use of AI deepfakes to attack Trump’s record on COVID and Anthony Fauci — an “idiotic” mistake — proves “this is the attack strategy to use against Trump,” argues Ian Haworth at the Washington Examiner: “COVID-19 is Trump’s greatest weakness.”

He not only “refused to fire the swampiest of all swamp creatures in Fauci,” despite “his demonstrable failure regarding multiple health crises”; he “passed all power regarding COVID-19 policy over to Fauci.” And “the COVID-19 policy in Florida under [Gov. Ron] DeSantis stands as clear evidence of the candidates’ differences.”

So “the DeSantis team shouldn’t be tarring its golden ammunition with unnecessary fake images of Trump and Fauci.” Doing so “hands the Trump campaign its only remaining defense: cry victim, again.”

From the left: Liberals’ False ‘Triumph’

Matt Walsh’s 2022 documentary “What Is a Woman,” in which he asks a range of people to define that word, “exposes one of the central problems with modern liberalism,” writes Nick Tyrone at Spiked: Liberals think “everyone can get along” so long as “the bigots and other bad people can be silenced,” yet conflicts emerge because “people have different ideas about how they should exercise their liberty.”

“Too many liberals” who back trans rights, for instance, “respond to the conflict between trans rights and women’s rights” by labeling those who stick up for women “hateful bigots” who need to be “canceled.”

This is not the “triumph” “many right-on liberals think it is. No, it is what happens when liberalism falls apart.”

Eye on 2024: Bold Ideas Beat Strong Records

“The lesson from my failed [2016 presidential] campaign is simple: Bold ideas trump strong records,” concludes ex-Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) in The Wall Street Journal. “Everyone knew what [then-candidate Donald] Trump wanted to do: ‘Build the wall,’ ‘lock her up’ and ‘drain the swamp.’ ”

Repeating such phrases often, Trump “captured the attention of caucus and primary voters and ultimately that of general-election voters.”

A strong record of conservative policies may get candidates on the debate stage, “but you must build on those successes with equally tenacious proposals to go further.”

Candidates should be ready to “take a risk and lay out a bold vision for the country. Sell it directly to the voters.” Otherwise, “you may well find yourself in the dust.”

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board