
Brad Lander fundraising off Eric Adams’ taunts of ‘loudest’ man in NYC

City Comptroller Brad Lander is having the last laugh after Mayor Eric Adams blasted him for being the “loudest” man in New York City by using the dig as a badge of honor to raise campaign funds. 

The self-described Democratic socialist’s re-election campaign released an email blast ripping the squeaky-voiced impression the centrist mayor made of him — while trying to turn Hizzoner’s criticism into cash.

“He did a (mildly offensive) impression of me — and he called me “the loudest person in the city” multiple times,” the city’s fiscal hawk wrote.

“So I just thought I’d be clear: What I’m loud about is the need for competent government on the issues facing New York City,” he boasted in the June 10th fundraising request.

Adams quipped he gave Lander the tongue-in-cheek description because he failed to speak up on a citywide push for migrant funds from the Biden administration.

“Brad Lander, the loudest person in the city, has yet to go to Washington to deal with the number one issue that this city’s facing. Think about that for a moment,” Adams ranted earlier this month, furious that the federal government appears to be stiffing Gotham on a multi-billion dollar migrant crisis. 

“The loudest,” he shouted, before mimicking how he thinks the lefty pol criticizes him: “I think Eric should.”

Mayor Eric Adams
City Comptroller Brad Lander is having the last laugh after Mayor Eric Adams blasted him for being the “loudest” man in New York City by using the dig as a badge of honor to raise campaign funds. Paul Martinka

“He has not gone to Washington, D.C. Stop trying to be the shadow mayor and be the comptroller and go to Washington, D.C., Brad, and get us our fair share,” Adams ended the heated lecture.  

But Lander it seems is looking on the bright side ahead of his 2026 reelection bid. 

“I’m loud about the humanitarian crisis at Rikers Island, and the need for federal oversight to address its wretched mismanagement,” wrote, listing a series of left-leaning causes he’s “loud” about. 

“I’m loud in demanding cost-saving, long term solutions to help asylum seekers thrive and contribute to New York’s economy.”

Even Lander’s son agrees with the Mayor.

“Yes, as my son Marek said in response to the Mayor, “My pops very well may be the loudest person in the city!”

Brad Lander
Lander’s campaign released an email blast ripping the squeaky-voiced impression that Mayor Adams did of him — trying to turn Hizzoner’s criticism into cash. Paul Martinka

Both Dems have been battling each other since taking office in January 2022, and city pols say Lander is trying to stand out as the true progressive leader in NYC with voters by showing he really annoys Adams.

The boldness also prompted some backslapping.

“Good for Brad. It’s clear he is getting under the mayor’s skin, but he’s just doing his job. [The] mayor is taking it personal,” one City Hall official told The Post.

Both Dems have been battling each other since taking office in January 2022, and city pols say Lander is trying to stand out as the true progressive leader in NYC with voters by showing he really annoys Adams.

“I mean, it was a pretty good impression. I do a Lander impression every time my paper bag breaks – true story. I even told him!” City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) told The Post, referring to Lander’s role behind the Big Apple’s law charging shoppers five cents every time they get a paper bag.

Lander’s “grating, holier-than-thou personality gives him a major edge. When he annoys the mayor, the mayor complains and then he raises money off of it,” one Democratic operative admitted.