
Trans extremists refuse to face facts: Men are stronger than women

It’d be laughable if the stakes weren’t so high: A top human-rights advocate trying to support the right to compete against athletes of the gender you identify as, denying the plain fact that biological men enjoy massive size, speed and strength advantages over biological women.

This is what “gender extremism” leads to.

Human Rights Campaign head Kelley Robinson was testifying before the Senate, supposedly to defend the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans. Pressed on physical sex differences in sports, the woke nonprofit honcho first dodged: “I’m not a physician, I can’t speak to that.”

Then came a bid to cherrypick an example where a bio-woman could compete against a bio-man, scoffing at “men that think they can beat Serena Williams in tennis. And it’s just not the case. She is stronger than them.”

Yet she’s not: Williams got trounced (along with her very talented sister Venus) by a 50-year-old man, ranked 203rd worldwide, in 1998. 

The greatest femaletennis player in history proved unable to beat an aging, sub-mediocre male pro. (And this followed a challenge where she ruled out facing off against any of the top 200-ranked males.)

What more proof do you need? 

Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Right Campaign.
Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Right Campaign. AP

Indeed, swimmer Riley Gaines — who earlier this year braved a violent mob incensed by her speaking up against the absurdity of her having to compete against trans swimmer Lia Thomas — was present at the hearing and shut Robinson down by noting that fact. 

There’s zero chance Robinson will listen, of course. 

That’s true for the gender extremists currently calling the shots among Democrats, all the way up to the Oval Office. 

They’ve got their fingers in their ears and their eyes shut tight to what’s right in front of their faces. 

Riley Gaines
Riley Gaines testified to Congress that women are not physically stronger than men. REUTERS

It’d be hilarious, if it weren’t doing massive damage to the integrity of sports across the country and enabling mobs like the one that went after Gaines.

Far worse, the “pro-trans” refusal to face facts on the outcomes of juvenile gender transitions is leading to justify dangerous medical interventions for kids. 

Enough’s enough. End the gender madness now, in sports and everywhere else.