
I'm an ER doctor — don't bring these 5 foods to the beach

"The last thing you want is for people to go home and remember the beach trip because they got sick," Dr. John Torres said.

New summer weather outlook looks toasty across much of US as June looms less than 50 days away

The outlooks set the country up for what very well could be one of the warmest summers in history, outpacing records set in 2021 and 1936.

March is 10th straight hottest month on record: experts

For the 10th consecutive month, Earth in March set a new monthly record for global heat — with both air temperatures and the world’s oceans hitting an all-time high for...

Soaring temperatures could shatter over 300 records to close out February

An unseasonable warmup will continue to spread throughout most of the US this week, with high temperatures from Texas to the Midwest feeling more like May than the end of meteorological winter.

Can you put hot leftovers in the fridge? Here's what the experts say

TikTokers who commented on the video seemed divided on the topic as they shared what they do in their own homes.

You've been storing bananas all wrong — how to keep them fresh for longer

"I've got four bananas here and I'm trying out four different storage methods," the product testing TikTok account @tipperk posted in November.

Swimming in cold water may reduce menopause symptoms, study finds

Menopause — when a woman has gone 12 months without a period — typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

How to know if you have hypothermia — experts reveal key warning signs

“You can certainly die from hypothermia," Dr. Emily MacNeill said.

Sub-zero Iowa temperatures yield lowest caucus voter turnout in decades

Arctic conditions led to the lowest turnout in decades for the Iowa Republican caucuses Monday night, with a little more than 110,000 voters casting ballots for their chosen candidate, according...

Deadly arctic blast threatens NFL playoffs, Iowa caucuses as 79% of US hit with below-freezing temperatures

The below-freezing temperatures are threatening to disrupt the Iowa caucuses.

Couple found dead in sweltering South Carolina home as heater reached a blazing 1,000 degrees

The couple had complained that their furnace and hot water heater were not working, so family members came to their home and "fiddled" with it until the pilot light on...

2023 finishes as warmest year on record: experts

According to preliminary climate data from NOAA and analysis from the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, the global temperature anomaly finished higher than 2016’s record of 0.99 degrees Celsius (1.78...

Are the benefits of a cold shower worth the potential risks?

Most of us have experienced that moment of shock when the hot water runs out mid-shampoo -- but many experts claim the benefits of a frigid shower are worth the...

Many people keep refrigerators at unsafe temps, study says — are you one of them?

"Most households blamed their own behaviors, such as reading the use-by date wrong, before considering their fridge might be the culprit."

I live on the South Pole and challenges are extreme — I struggle to breathe

"It's too cold and too far from the ocean for penguins, unfortunately," said Michelle Endo, 32.

First October storm to break the heat after blasting western, central US with snow, severe weather, heavy rain

Millions of Americans are experiencing the last taste of summer this week with record-breaking temperatures being reported in several cities across the US.

Avoid dry, itchy skin: This Levoit humidifier is 25% off — and has over 11,000 5-star ratings

"Dry skin" season is coming, but this will save you from the cold winter air.

Vivek Ramaswamy demands office temperature be set at 64 degrees or lower: 'Likes it chilly'

Vivek Ramaswamy allegedly orders the thermostats at his Roivant Science and Strive Asset Management firms be kept at temperatures 64 degrees or lower, much to the lament of his employees.

Paralyzed woman died trapped in her hot car and family had no idea

“I just assumed that maybe she stayed with someone or maybe someone had come and got her, but no one was able to get a hold of her,” the woman's...